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We’ve got you covered—even down to your cables and your control panels.

Widely known for their innovative storage solutions, EMC Corporation provides some of the very best not only in data storage, but also in managing, protecting, analyzing, and transferring data. This way, you can be sure that you are getting an all-around system that works for you and your business, giving you the peace of mind you need.

Because we are passionate about providing business owners with IT equipment that will give them real, efficient solutions for a price they can afford, we work to find only the best brands, names, and products that will stand the test of time and use. We take these products and make them like new, giving them the extra power they need in order to give you the power you need. One way we do this is with our EMC cables and our EMC control panel boards.

Fibre Channel (FC) is a network that is used, especially in commercial environments, to connect you to your data storage. While many choose SCSI for its impressive transfer speeds, the innovative technology of a Fibre Channel is ideal for shared storage.

Your Fibre Channel needs to be reliable and efficient, but don’t underestimate the importance of having quality FC cables as well. There is a lot of choice when it comes to your cable connections, and understanding all of your options will help you determine which is right for you. Copper connections, for instance, are the most affordable and economical choice, but they are limited to 30 meters and can be susceptible to electromagnetic interference. On the other hand, while optical connections are more expensive, they can reach up to 500 meters, and are more reliable because they are not as prone to EMI.

In addition to FC cables, we offer the fully refurbished EMC control panel boards you’ve been searching for. Choose from the EMC Centera SN3 control panel, or get the SN4 for an even more affordable price. We even offer the corresponding cables so that you can have the system you need at a price you’ll love.

EMC has been designing and manufacturing quality products for decades, and each year they grow to become more innovative, solving more problems that business owners face. Similarly, Server Worlds is passionate about doing the same thing—finding innovative solutions for businesses and solving problems in affordable ways isn’t just something we do, it’s something we are passionate about.

Contact us today if you need help finding a product, or if you have questions about any of our EMC cables. We are happy to help!