
4 Major Managed IT Mistakes You May Be Making

Posted by Amanda Hudick on 14th Dec 2014

Here at ServerWorlds, we understand that times are hard economically. Companies continue to grow and the need for reliable storage solutions isn’t going away any time soon. However, businesses need to cut costs wherever they can in order to make ends meet. We do our part by offering a solution for businesses all over the country: high-quality, reliable refurbished servers and parts at great, affordable prices. If you're looking for a refurbished Dell servers to save your company some money, then you've came to the right place.

For companies of every size – from start-ups of less than 10 employees to multinational organizations – there are a handful of common IT mistakes that will limit any business’s growth potential and put it at risk for data loss, competitive disadvantage, and reduced efficiency.

1. You don't have an IT team at all. Running a business without a trained IT professional is not only a risk; it’s a competitive disadvantage.

2. You're expecting a total server replacement. Most businesses can often work with their existing IT infrastructure to increase functionality and efficiency with select key enhancements.

3. Local data backup to a hard drive or external drive. Local backups are risky. Too risky. If a laptop is forgotten on a plane, or the office burns down, everything would be lost! Data back-up procedures should include:

  • Regular, automatic data backup
  • An external backup location
  • Back-up for files every time a change is made

4. Your approach to IT is reactive. IT professionals are often called into battle when an employee tells them there’s something that needs to be fixed. While this approach works to a certain extent, a more proactive approach to IT can prevent problems from happening in the first place.